"Two artists in particular stood out for us. Like most contemporary artists, they are distinguished by not only the visual imagery they create, but also the process they undergo in creating them- Bradley Foisset and Teressa Lim. The best way to describe Bradley James Foisset small formats works is as postcards from some post apocalyptic industrial urban hell. His process consists of found imagery of urban and industrial artefacts from old magazines, precisely cut out in a process akin to drawing with an x-acto knife. The images are layered on a flat plane with no sense of perspective- a technique similar to Persian and Indian minatures. This collage is then layered with resin and random splashes of paint. The result is a luminous, smouldering work, where continuous scrutiny yeilds multiple layers of meaning and depth-awe of a village boy on confronting the city; artist as creator and destroyer"- Myarttracker, Singapore 2013 (See "Caveman's Valentine")
January 2023